A Larger Australia
A Larger Australia
The ABC 2015 Boyer Lectures
(Penguin, 2015)
In the ABC 2015 Boyer Lectures, one of Australia’s most influential foreign policy experts examines our country’s place in the world.
For most of Australia’s history, the world was run by nations like our own. But now the international order that has prevailed since the end of the Second World War is fraying. Global institutions are showing their age. Our great and powerful friends are becoming less great and powerful. Rising powers such as China are challenging the old order. Wealth and power are shifting eastwards, towards us. The tyranny of distance is being replaced by the predicament of proximity.
Award-winning historian and author Michael Fullilove argues that we must shape our international environment. This requires us to be smarter and shrewder – but also larger. Australia needs to be a big, confident, ambitious country, open to the world, with an effective political system, the instruments to influence the balance of power and the confidence to have our own head of state. Stirring and important, A Larger Australia tells us it is time for Australians to think big.
Few people are better qualified to discuss Australia's place in the world than Michael Fullilove, executive director of the Lowy Institute for International Policy. For anyone with even a passing interest in foreign affairs this is a thought-provoking and highly accessible look at Australia's international relations and how they can be improved. This is a fine and timely consideration of issues of critical importance to our nation. It is also highly readable and likely to start some important conversations. – The Australian Financial Review
I thank Michael Fullilove for the time and effort involved in preparing a lecture series of such breadth and depth. I have no doubt that his insights will make a significant contribution to Australian debate on these natters for many years ahead. – James Spigelman
An ambitious, thoughtful vision for Australian foreign policy. – Hamish Macdonald
Full of big-hearted insights, Michael Fullilove sets a tone for public debate which could enrich us all. – Michael Cathcart
The talks are mercifully cliché free. They sparkle with pithy observations and choice anecdotes. The 2015 Boyers are a pleasure to consume. – Dr Andrew Leigh MP